Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Apapun Yang Terjadi

Posted by Unknown at 10/29/2014 08:06:00 am 0 komentar
"Apapun yang terjadi takkan ku lepaskan tanganmu. Bila kau ingat aku, dengar lagu kita, aku kan menemani sampai kau tertidur. Bila kau ingat aku, pandanglah langitmu, satu cahaya bintang, itulah diriku. Aku kan menjelma menjadi semua yang kau mau. Apapun yang terjadi aku kan berada tepat disisimu. Apapun yang terjadi takkan ku lepaskan tanganmu. Bila kau inginkanku sabarlah menunggu, takdir akan menjawab semua penantian kita."

Aku akan menyapa setiap pagimu dan menyemangati harimu, hingga jadi rutinmu. Aku akan menyapa malammu sebelum kamu tertidur, karena saat itulah aku ingin ceritakan hariku dan mendengar harimu, saat itulah aku ingin ungkapkan rinduku juga impianku, impian kita bersama. 

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Realita Cinta-Kamulah Takdirku

Posted by Unknown at 10/23/2014 10:54:00 am 0 komentar
Realita Cinta

Ku tak pernah mimpikan ini
Bertemu denganmu tak terbayang
Ku yakin Tuhan mau

Kita bersatu dalam realita
Mengakhiri semua damai
Damai selama ini dan untuk sekarang
Hanyalah ada aku sayang
Hanya aku selalu disampingmu
Kamu dan aku satu sampai bumi tak bundar lagi

Mungkin aku bukan yang terbaik
Masih banyak yang lebih dariku
Ku tak bisa menjanjikan
Mendapatkan berlabuh dipandang diri
Ku hanya tautsan Tuhan
Membayang diutusNya
Aku cinta padamu

Akulah realita cintamu
Sekarang dan untuk selama-lamanya
Kamu dan aku satu sampai bumi tak bundar lagi

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Someone Can Love You Forever

Posted by Unknown at 9/25/2014 09:05:00 am 0 komentar
Thinkin' about all our younger years. There was only you and me, we were young and wild and free. Now nothin' can take you away from me. We've been down that road before, but that's over now. You keep me comin' back for more.  Baby you're all that I want. When you're lyin' here in my arms. I'm findin' it hard to believe. We're in heaven. And love is all that I need and I found it there in your heart. It isn't too hard to see. We're in heaven.
Once in your life you find someone. Who will turn your world around. Bring you up when you're feelin' down. Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me. Oh there's lots that I could say, but just hold me now. Cause our love will light the way.
I've been waitin' for so long for something to arrive and for love to come along. Now our dreams are comin' true. Through the good times and the bad. Ya - I'll be standin' there by you.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Kisah Romantis Glenn-Chelsea

Posted by Unknown at 9/19/2014 09:20:00 am 0 komentar

Sinetron Buku Harian Nayla telah mempertemukan Chelsea Olivia dengan Glenn Alinskie yang juga artis pendatang baru yang kini menjadi kekasihnya. Glenn dan Chelsea dikabarkan resmi pacaran satu hari sebelum ulang tahun Chelsea yang ke-15 tanggal 28 Juli 2007, setelah sebelumnya menjalin hubungan dengan Ricky Harun.
Yang bikin gue tertarik dengan pasangan ini adalah karena bisa bertahan sampai tujuh tahun pacarannya. Selain itu mereka juga pernah ldr-an beda negara, beda keyakinan juga loh, tapi mereka tetep bersatu, trus karena adaaa aja kisah mereka yang bikin gue jadi bilang, “Romantisnyaaa....” gimana nggak romantis coba, dulu jadiannya di pesawat di udara, tunangan di kapal di air, dan rencana nikahnya mau di darat. Gue doain dah semoga kalian langgeng dan nggak akan ada yang bisa memisahkan kalian.
Meski beberapa kali diterpa gosip tak sedap, kekuatan cinta Glenn Alinskie dan Chelsea Olivia tak goyah sedikit pun. Bisa bertahan menjalin kisah asmara sampai 7 tahun lamanya tentu bukan perkara mudah. Namun kekuatan cinta keduanya berhasil mengalahkan segala rintangan yang datang menghadang.

Monday, 15 September 2014


Posted by Unknown at 9/15/2014 06:26:00 pm 0 komentar
Kadang gue suka merhatiin orang sampai sedetail-detailnya. Mungkin ini bakat gue kali ya jadi pengamat atau detektif gitu, ceeelah. Kadang dari sikap kepo itu juga bisa bikin gue ketawa terbahak-bahak sampai nangis nggak brenti-brenti juga. Nggak tau kenapa deh rasa keingintahuan gue terhadap suatu masalah sosial itu tinggi aliasnya kemal, keponya maksimaaal. Bukan, bukan karena gue kurang kerjaan dan mau ikut campur urusan orang lain. Gue juga males ya ngurus diri sendiri aja belom bener mau ngurusin orang lain. Tapi karena ini berhubungan sama gue, kan gue nggak mau kan ya asal nyimpulin perspeksif dan pernyataan orang dengan masalah yang berhubungan sama gue. Gue juga nggak mau salah dalam mengambil keputusan yang akhirnya nyesel nantinya. Nah mungkin kali ini gue udah terlalu jauh ngamatin seseorang, sampai akhirnya kali ini gue mau bilang gini, “Just because I appear to believe your bullshit, doesn't mean I'm as stupid as you think I am. I'm just laughing inside and waiting to see what else you come up with.”
Ngerti maksut gue? *emot ketawa*

Saturday, 6 September 2014

4 Secrets to Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work

Posted by Unknown at 9/06/2014 04:30:00 pm 0 komentar

Relationships are much like plants, they need constant nourishing. When you are together, this type of nourishment comes easily through the activities and time spent with each other. However, when you are away from each other this becomes more difficult to accomplish.
Long distance relationships are not easy, but neither are any other types of relationships. By putting time and effort into your long distance relationship you can form and sustain a healthy long distance relationship that can bring you a lot of joy and happiness. All relationships have their ups and downs.
I honestly think long distance relationship are better than regular ones. You can actually fall in love with every single part of the person. Hearing their voice becomes so much more special. It's not all about the physical stuff. It's not about the petty stuff everyone has now. You get to know the person better than anyone you ever could in person. Yeah it sucks not being able to hold them and kiss them and be with them but when that time comes you cherish it so much more because you know what it's like not to have it.

Why do you prefer long distance relationship?
No, I don't prefer it, who is want to get separated too far with his or her boyf or gilf? It's not an easy thing to be in a long-distance relationship. It takes a lot of patience, understanding and trust. However, it can also be

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Hidden Face and Hidden Part of Somebody

Posted by Unknown at 9/02/2014 05:18:00 pm 0 komentar
Coming soon ... 
Coming soon? Udah kayak judul fim horor ajaaa -_-
Nah udah aku selesaiin tulisannya. Check it out ya.
There are three things can't be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. This is not about them but this is about the girl. She was like the moon, part of her was always hidden. Behind her pretty smile is a story that will never understand. The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most painThe strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about. So she learned at an assembly today, after many tears were shed and hugs shared, how many people have hidden struggles we know nothing about. Okay, never judge someone when you don’t know their whole story. Because there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every person. One that we reveal to the world and another we keep hidden inside.
Right now is a time when she think she never going to get better. She will never be good enough for herself or for anyone. She will never get to live her dream performing on a stage in front of thousands of people. She just not enough. Maybe someone was right, she really worthless. Maybe what she going though won’t get any better. She don’t think it could get any worse so it just has to get better.
The same girl who smiles and talks non-stop, is the same one who cries herself to sleep at night. The ones who laugh the loudest are the ones who cry in the hardest. There is hidden meaning behind all events and this hidden meaning is serving our own evolution. Shine can't shine without darkness.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Quiet and Awesome Corners of France. Oh, Je T'aime Paris!

Posted by Unknown at 8/28/2014 12:35:00 pm 0 komentar

Paris is just one of those iconic cities everyone or every couple wants to visit. The culture, landmarks and experiences to be made in the City of Light and Love is where I want to go! Every couple's dream is to visit Paris and what this says about me is that I'm just like every other people smitten with the idea of Paris and what it holds. Because ...

Nah, sebelom lo nelusurin postingan gue yang ini, lo wajib baca postingan gue yang sebelomnya karena ini berhubungan, nih ya ... biar lo tau alasan gue suka sama Paris dan pengen ke Perancis dan alasan Perancis patut untuk dikunjungi dan recommended banget dan ah kebanyakan dan jadi nggak efektif -_-
Apasih Paris kenapa sih suka Perancis? Palingan ada menara Eiffel doang! Yang nggangep di Paris Perancis cuman ada menara Eiffel doang, bakalan gue ketawain sampe guling-guling (kesannya nggak etis banget ya) yaudah gue senyumin aja, gue tunjukin betapa indahnya Perancis itu dari sudut manapun. Check it out.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Family (Father Mother I Love You)

Posted by Unknown at 8/26/2014 05:40:00 pm 0 komentar

A family is like a circle, the connection never ends and even if at times it breaks in time it always mends. A family is like the stars somehow they're always there. Families are those who help, who support, and always care. A family is like a book, the endings never clear, but through the pages of the book. Their love is always near. A family is many things with endless words that show, who they are and what they do, and how they teach you so you know, but don't be weary if it's broken or if through time its been so worn. Families are like that-they're split up and always torn, but even if this happens your family will always be they help define just who you are and will be apart of you eternally. Family, we may not have it all together, but together we have it all.
Actually, talking about family, especially about Mom always add sweetness to the words. My mother is beautiful, kind, the kindest of ladies, gentle, humorous, springy, enamored of life and she is concerned, she laughs when I laugh, she cries when I cry, she lives when I live. I can't say more about her except that she lives for me and I live for her. In fact, she is a special one.
Dear my Mom, I may not like you always. We may have arguments and fights sometimes. But, there’s one thing that you should know, that I have you as a great Mom, Momy I love you more and more everyday. And this is for you ...

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Apapun Yang Terjadi

Posted by Unknown at 10/29/2014 08:06:00 am 0 komentar
"Apapun yang terjadi takkan ku lepaskan tanganmu. Bila kau ingat aku, dengar lagu kita, aku kan menemani sampai kau tertidur. Bila kau ingat aku, pandanglah langitmu, satu cahaya bintang, itulah diriku. Aku kan menjelma menjadi semua yang kau mau. Apapun yang terjadi aku kan berada tepat disisimu. Apapun yang terjadi takkan ku lepaskan tanganmu. Bila kau inginkanku sabarlah menunggu, takdir akan menjawab semua penantian kita."

Aku akan menyapa setiap pagimu dan menyemangati harimu, hingga jadi rutinmu. Aku akan menyapa malammu sebelum kamu tertidur, karena saat itulah aku ingin ceritakan hariku dan mendengar harimu, saat itulah aku ingin ungkapkan rinduku juga impianku, impian kita bersama. 

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Realita Cinta-Kamulah Takdirku

Posted by Unknown at 10/23/2014 10:54:00 am 0 komentar
Realita Cinta

Ku tak pernah mimpikan ini
Bertemu denganmu tak terbayang
Ku yakin Tuhan mau

Kita bersatu dalam realita
Mengakhiri semua damai
Damai selama ini dan untuk sekarang
Hanyalah ada aku sayang
Hanya aku selalu disampingmu
Kamu dan aku satu sampai bumi tak bundar lagi

Mungkin aku bukan yang terbaik
Masih banyak yang lebih dariku
Ku tak bisa menjanjikan
Mendapatkan berlabuh dipandang diri
Ku hanya tautsan Tuhan
Membayang diutusNya
Aku cinta padamu

Akulah realita cintamu
Sekarang dan untuk selama-lamanya
Kamu dan aku satu sampai bumi tak bundar lagi

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Someone Can Love You Forever

Posted by Unknown at 9/25/2014 09:05:00 am 0 komentar
Thinkin' about all our younger years. There was only you and me, we were young and wild and free. Now nothin' can take you away from me. We've been down that road before, but that's over now. You keep me comin' back for more.  Baby you're all that I want. When you're lyin' here in my arms. I'm findin' it hard to believe. We're in heaven. And love is all that I need and I found it there in your heart. It isn't too hard to see. We're in heaven.
Once in your life you find someone. Who will turn your world around. Bring you up when you're feelin' down. Ya - nothin' could change what you mean to me. Oh there's lots that I could say, but just hold me now. Cause our love will light the way.
I've been waitin' for so long for something to arrive and for love to come along. Now our dreams are comin' true. Through the good times and the bad. Ya - I'll be standin' there by you.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Kisah Romantis Glenn-Chelsea

Posted by Unknown at 9/19/2014 09:20:00 am 0 komentar

Sinetron Buku Harian Nayla telah mempertemukan Chelsea Olivia dengan Glenn Alinskie yang juga artis pendatang baru yang kini menjadi kekasihnya. Glenn dan Chelsea dikabarkan resmi pacaran satu hari sebelum ulang tahun Chelsea yang ke-15 tanggal 28 Juli 2007, setelah sebelumnya menjalin hubungan dengan Ricky Harun.
Yang bikin gue tertarik dengan pasangan ini adalah karena bisa bertahan sampai tujuh tahun pacarannya. Selain itu mereka juga pernah ldr-an beda negara, beda keyakinan juga loh, tapi mereka tetep bersatu, trus karena adaaa aja kisah mereka yang bikin gue jadi bilang, “Romantisnyaaa....” gimana nggak romantis coba, dulu jadiannya di pesawat di udara, tunangan di kapal di air, dan rencana nikahnya mau di darat. Gue doain dah semoga kalian langgeng dan nggak akan ada yang bisa memisahkan kalian.
Meski beberapa kali diterpa gosip tak sedap, kekuatan cinta Glenn Alinskie dan Chelsea Olivia tak goyah sedikit pun. Bisa bertahan menjalin kisah asmara sampai 7 tahun lamanya tentu bukan perkara mudah. Namun kekuatan cinta keduanya berhasil mengalahkan segala rintangan yang datang menghadang.

Monday, 15 September 2014


Posted by Unknown at 9/15/2014 06:26:00 pm 0 komentar
Kadang gue suka merhatiin orang sampai sedetail-detailnya. Mungkin ini bakat gue kali ya jadi pengamat atau detektif gitu, ceeelah. Kadang dari sikap kepo itu juga bisa bikin gue ketawa terbahak-bahak sampai nangis nggak brenti-brenti juga. Nggak tau kenapa deh rasa keingintahuan gue terhadap suatu masalah sosial itu tinggi aliasnya kemal, keponya maksimaaal. Bukan, bukan karena gue kurang kerjaan dan mau ikut campur urusan orang lain. Gue juga males ya ngurus diri sendiri aja belom bener mau ngurusin orang lain. Tapi karena ini berhubungan sama gue, kan gue nggak mau kan ya asal nyimpulin perspeksif dan pernyataan orang dengan masalah yang berhubungan sama gue. Gue juga nggak mau salah dalam mengambil keputusan yang akhirnya nyesel nantinya. Nah mungkin kali ini gue udah terlalu jauh ngamatin seseorang, sampai akhirnya kali ini gue mau bilang gini, “Just because I appear to believe your bullshit, doesn't mean I'm as stupid as you think I am. I'm just laughing inside and waiting to see what else you come up with.”
Ngerti maksut gue? *emot ketawa*

Saturday, 6 September 2014

4 Secrets to Make Your Long Distance Relationship Work

Posted by Unknown at 9/06/2014 04:30:00 pm 0 komentar

Relationships are much like plants, they need constant nourishing. When you are together, this type of nourishment comes easily through the activities and time spent with each other. However, when you are away from each other this becomes more difficult to accomplish.
Long distance relationships are not easy, but neither are any other types of relationships. By putting time and effort into your long distance relationship you can form and sustain a healthy long distance relationship that can bring you a lot of joy and happiness. All relationships have their ups and downs.
I honestly think long distance relationship are better than regular ones. You can actually fall in love with every single part of the person. Hearing their voice becomes so much more special. It's not all about the physical stuff. It's not about the petty stuff everyone has now. You get to know the person better than anyone you ever could in person. Yeah it sucks not being able to hold them and kiss them and be with them but when that time comes you cherish it so much more because you know what it's like not to have it.

Why do you prefer long distance relationship?
No, I don't prefer it, who is want to get separated too far with his or her boyf or gilf? It's not an easy thing to be in a long-distance relationship. It takes a lot of patience, understanding and trust. However, it can also be

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Hidden Face and Hidden Part of Somebody

Posted by Unknown at 9/02/2014 05:18:00 pm 0 komentar
Coming soon ... 
Coming soon? Udah kayak judul fim horor ajaaa -_-
Nah udah aku selesaiin tulisannya. Check it out ya.
There are three things can't be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. This is not about them but this is about the girl. She was like the moon, part of her was always hidden. Behind her pretty smile is a story that will never understand. The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most painThe strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about. So she learned at an assembly today, after many tears were shed and hugs shared, how many people have hidden struggles we know nothing about. Okay, never judge someone when you don’t know their whole story. Because there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every person. One that we reveal to the world and another we keep hidden inside.
Right now is a time when she think she never going to get better. She will never be good enough for herself or for anyone. She will never get to live her dream performing on a stage in front of thousands of people. She just not enough. Maybe someone was right, she really worthless. Maybe what she going though won’t get any better. She don’t think it could get any worse so it just has to get better.
The same girl who smiles and talks non-stop, is the same one who cries herself to sleep at night. The ones who laugh the loudest are the ones who cry in the hardest. There is hidden meaning behind all events and this hidden meaning is serving our own evolution. Shine can't shine without darkness.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Quiet and Awesome Corners of France. Oh, Je T'aime Paris!

Posted by Unknown at 8/28/2014 12:35:00 pm 0 komentar

Paris is just one of those iconic cities everyone or every couple wants to visit. The culture, landmarks and experiences to be made in the City of Light and Love is where I want to go! Every couple's dream is to visit Paris and what this says about me is that I'm just like every other people smitten with the idea of Paris and what it holds. Because ...

Nah, sebelom lo nelusurin postingan gue yang ini, lo wajib baca postingan gue yang sebelomnya karena ini berhubungan, nih ya ... biar lo tau alasan gue suka sama Paris dan pengen ke Perancis dan alasan Perancis patut untuk dikunjungi dan recommended banget dan ah kebanyakan dan jadi nggak efektif -_-
Apasih Paris kenapa sih suka Perancis? Palingan ada menara Eiffel doang! Yang nggangep di Paris Perancis cuman ada menara Eiffel doang, bakalan gue ketawain sampe guling-guling (kesannya nggak etis banget ya) yaudah gue senyumin aja, gue tunjukin betapa indahnya Perancis itu dari sudut manapun. Check it out.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Family (Father Mother I Love You)

Posted by Unknown at 8/26/2014 05:40:00 pm 0 komentar

A family is like a circle, the connection never ends and even if at times it breaks in time it always mends. A family is like the stars somehow they're always there. Families are those who help, who support, and always care. A family is like a book, the endings never clear, but through the pages of the book. Their love is always near. A family is many things with endless words that show, who they are and what they do, and how they teach you so you know, but don't be weary if it's broken or if through time its been so worn. Families are like that-they're split up and always torn, but even if this happens your family will always be they help define just who you are and will be apart of you eternally. Family, we may not have it all together, but together we have it all.
Actually, talking about family, especially about Mom always add sweetness to the words. My mother is beautiful, kind, the kindest of ladies, gentle, humorous, springy, enamored of life and she is concerned, she laughs when I laugh, she cries when I cry, she lives when I live. I can't say more about her except that she lives for me and I live for her. In fact, she is a special one.
Dear my Mom, I may not like you always. We may have arguments and fights sometimes. But, there’s one thing that you should know, that I have you as a great Mom, Momy I love you more and more everyday. And this is for you ...

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